It’s crucial to recognize the challenges that some members of our community face—specifically, the dangers of alcoholism and substance abuse. These issues not only affect individuals but have a profound impact on families, relationships, and the overall well-being of our community.

The Ngao Foundation, in its mission to uplift and empower, is actively engaged in addressing the menace of alcoholism through the implementation of the Therapeutic Community (TC) model. Our focus extends to the communities of Kangemi, Kibera, and Rongai, where we strive not only to mitigate the effects of alcoholism but also to raise awareness and understanding about this chronic disease.

In the journey of addiction, victims often reach a stage where they become powerless to alcohol and urgently require help and support. This critical juncture is where the Ngao Foundation intervenes, offering assistance before the situation escalates further. We believe that a united community, armed with knowledge about alcoholism as a chronic disease, can play a pivotal role in supporting those affected.

The consequences of alcoholism are profound and affect every facet of our community. Families are torn apart, lives are lost, children miss out on education, and the future of our youth is jeopardized. Recognizing that alcoholism is a community issue prompts us to come together and actively participate in supporting those in need.

The Ngao Foundation’s TC model, implemented in Kangemi, Kibera, and Rongai, is a beacon of hope. We invite you to join us in this crucial mission to help our community heal, support affected families, and secure a brighter future for our children. We have witnessed individuals recover and transform their lives through this program, and they, in turn, are ready to support others with the desire to quit.

SERENITY PRAYER: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

Together, we can make a positive impact on our community and create a future we all desire.


Thiong’o rd, off Waiyaki Way, Kangemi, Nairobi

Our hours

8:00 AM – 5.00 PM
Monday – Saturday

Contact us

Phone: +(254)704266453




We want to take a moment to highlight the importance of the Global Giving Crowdfunding platform in supporting our mission. This platform not only connects us with a global community of generous supporters but also allows your contributions to be tax-deductible, maximizing the impact of your giving.

Your donations through Global Giving provide critical resources for our projects, enabling us to create meaningful change. By choosing to support us through this platform, you help ensure that every dollar goes further, making a real difference in the lives of those we serve.

Thank you for your continued support and commitment to our cause.


The NGAO Foundation


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